WILLIAM TROWBRIDGE’s ninth poetry collection, Call Me Fool, came out from Red Hen Press in 2023. His poems have appeared in more than 50 anthologies and textbooks, as well as in The Writer’s Almanac, American Life in Poetry, and in such periodicals as Poetry, The Gettysburg Review, Crazyhorse, The Georgia Review, Boulevard, The Southern Review, Columbia, Rattle, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Epoch, and New Letters. He has given readings, lectures, and workshops at schools, universities, bookstores, and literary conferences throughout the United States. His awards include an Academy of American Poets Prize, a Pushcart Prize, a Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference scholarship, a Camber Press Poetry Chapbook Award, and fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, Ragdale, Yaddo, and The Anderson Center. He is a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Northwest Missouri State University, where he was an editor of The Laurel Review/GreenTower Press from 1986 to 2004. He was Poet Laureate of Missouri from 2012 to 2016. He is currently a faculty mentor in the University of Nebraska-Omaha Low-residency MFA in Writing Program. For more information, see his website at williamtrowbridge.net.