A literary press at Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska

WSC Press

A literary press at Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska

WSC Press

A literary press at Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska

WSC Press

Judas Goat 2023-2024

The Judas Goat is a literary magazine that features the poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and artwork of Wayne State students. The magazine is edited by WSC editing & publishing students and published annually in the spring by the WSC Press.

Managing Goat Editor: Jennifer Juzyk

Cover & Layout Design: Jennifer Juzyk

Aletha Acers Steele Burgess Poetry Prize Scholarship Winner: Karley Schieffer

Contributors: Karley Schieffer, Alexandra Splittgerber, Aubreanna Miller, Jennifer Juzyk, Alexis Tolliver, Tony Sims, Quin Otto, Mercedes Holmes, CeCe Meister, Liam Hilbers, Holly Tomcak Lennon Pfenning, Caitlin Tobin, Gustavo Vallejo, & Colin Freeman


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