Plains Writers Series – September 30, 2021
Debra Marquart

Wayne State College’s Language and Literature Department, the School of Arts and Humanities, and the WSC Press are pleased to hold this Fall’s Plains Writers Series on Thursday, September 30, 2021. The Plains Writers Series is held several times a year to bring attention to the prose and poetry of Great Plains writers through reading and interacting with area audiences.

This Plains Writers Series will feature Debra Marquart, Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa State University and Iowa’s Poet Laureate. The reading will begin at 2 p.m. in the lounge on the second floor of the Humanities Building at Wayne State College.

DEBRA MARQUART is a Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa State University and Iowa’s Poet Laureate. She is the Senior Editor of Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment.

Marquart’s work has been featured on NPR and the BBC and has received over 50 grants and awards including an NEA Fellowship, a PEN USA Award, a New York Times Editors’ Choice commendation, and Elle Magazine’s Elle Lettres Award. Marquart teaches in Iowa State University’s interdisciplinary MFA Program in Creative Writing and Environment and in the Stonecoast Low-Residency MFA Program at the University of Southern Maine.

A memoirist, poet, and performing musician, Marquart is the author of seven books including an environmental memoir of place, The Horizontal World: Growing Up Wild in the Middle of Nowhere and a collection of poems, Small Buried Things: Poems. Marquart’s most recent book, The Night We Landed on the Moon: Essays Between Exile & Belonging, was published in 2021.

Marquart’s short story collection, The Hunger Bone: Rock & Roll Stories drew on her experiences as a former road musician. A singer/songwriter, she continues to perform solo and with her jazz-poetry performance project, The Bone People, with whom she has recorded two CDs.  Her poetry collection, Gratitude with Dogs Under Stars: New & Collected Poems is forthcoming from New Rivers Press.




Plains Writers Series
Poetry by Debra Marquart
September 30 @ 2 p.m. CST.