Judas Goat 1992-1993
The Judas Goat is a literary magazine which features the poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and artwork of Wayne State students. The magazine is edited by WSC editing & publishing students and published annually in the spring by the WSC Press.
Editors: Chris Ewerdt, Kerry Kincanon
Advisor: J.V. Brummels
Front Cover Art: Summer Adams
Back Cover Art: Larry Comas
Artwork: Les Maclean, Patrick Studebaker
Contributors: Curtis Meyer, Cindy Barnes, Gus R. Swanson, Greg Sunderman, T. Rudolph, Carrie K. Hansen, Jim Reese, Jeff Smith, Les MacLean, Jennifer Busskohl, Leslie Bentley, Mary Reich, Susan Martens, Lisa Dolph, Sarah Glinsmann, Patrick Studebaker, Beth Bailen, Chris Parachini, Beth Peters, ShoE, Larry Comas, T. Michael Travaille