Judas Goat 1994-1995
The Judas Goat is a literary magazine which features the poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and artwork of Wayne State students. The magazine is edited by WSC editing & publishing students and published annually in the spring by the WSC Press.
Editors: Rebecca Bell
Advisor: Siobhan Kelly
Artwork: Pam Vogl, Pam Hannagan, Jeff Blount, Scott Bryashaw, e
Contributors: Kerry Kincanon, Chris Geidner, Pam Hannagan, Ceres, Julie D. Macklin, Joanne King, Margaret Scobey, T.L.E., Sin, Cactus, Warren Anderson, Meg D. Boone, Mitch Tracy, nicolette, Susan Martens, Sue Wortmann, Jason Elznic, Krista Remer, ShoE, Rachel Burbach, Brigid Howard, Brent Kollars, Joan Clarkson, Nico Mercer, Angie Raabe, Stacie Sandall