Judas Goat 1993-1994

The Judas Goat is a literary magazine which features the poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and artwork of Wayne State students. The magazine is edited by WSC editing & publishing students and published annually in the spring by the WSC Press.

Editors: Rebecca Bell, Sarah Glinsmann

Advisor: Siobhan Kelly

Front Cover Art: Pam Vogl

Back Cover Art: Les MacLean

Artwork: Matt Hillier, Les Maclean

Contributors: Carrie K. Hansen, Chris Ewerdt, Jay Bernard Huse, Pam Vogl, Larry Comas, Paul Drayton, Chris Parachini, Michelle Campbell, Jim Reese, Kerry Kincanon, Curtis M. Meyer, Cornelius Greene, Phil Ranney, Chris Geidner, Margie Bell, Sin, “Big” AL Fienhold, Michael Jasper, Rocky Mercier, ShoE