The Logan House Anthology of 21st Century American Poetry
The many voices in this collection signal the range, richness, and diversity that is American Poetry. With no one idiom, no one landscape, no one “American Experience” to confine the imagination, the poets in this collection speak many tongues, proving the wisdom of Walt Whitman’s assertion, in the preface of Leaves of Grass: “The United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem.” In plurality is a vibrant, idiosyncratic, generative force. These diverse poets attend to many truths, grounded in the body of the earth, clarified by hard experience, and illuminated through language that is at once rough and memorably distilled. Here is crassness and eloquence in creative juxtaposition; here are lyrics that span modes as different as narrative and allegory.
The Logan House Anthology of 21st Century American Poetry
Edited by Trenton Muth
Paperback: 207 pages
Logan House (September 2001)
ISBN-13: 978-0967412320