Judas Goat 1998-1999
The Judas Goat is a literary magazine which features the poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and artwork of Wayne State students. The magazine is edited by WSC editing & publishing students and published annually in the spring by the WSC Press.
Editors: Melissa Ryan
Assistant Editor: Daisy Paxton
Managing Editor: Stephanie Marcellus
Artwork: Florence Ducommun, Cain, Barbara Chamberlain, Megan Willms
Contributors: Cain (James Beery), Daisy Paxton, The Crazy Cajun, Jimbalia! (Jim Dunn), Jason Dieckman, Jarrod McCartney, Stephanie Marcellus, Butterfly (Megan Willms), Ann Snyder, Mary L. Maas, Chad Jones, Brad Hruska, Scooter (Scott Hoffmann), The Joker (Matt Truckenmiller), Stephanie Zoucha, Adam Baker, Flowerman (Scott Aschoff), Mystery (Julie Berger)